I forgot my ITSC network account name, what can I do?

You can ask student/staff a favour to login my portal, then use your full name in the search toolbar under “people” at the bottom right corner to look it up.

I forgot my ITSC password, what can I do?

You can go to https://itsc.ust.hk/services/general-it-services/user-account/forgot-password and follow the instruction to reset your ITSC password.

What courses do I need to take for my program?

A listing of course descriptions and credit requirements for all undergraduate programs offered at HKUST can be found in the Program Catalog and Course Catalog.

Is there any problem in the e-Advising system as I could only see limited choices (some are hidden) for the pre-enrollment?

The list of available courses in the pre-enrollment are based on your admission qualification.

What are prerequisites, co-requisites, and exclusions?

According to HKUST’s Academic Regulations:

A prerequisite is a level of attainment in public examinations or a course which must be taken and passed before registration for credit in a specified course.

A co-requisite is a course which must be taken prior to, or at the same time as, the specified course.

An exclusion means you cannot enroll in the course in question if you reached a specified level of attainment in a public examination or if you have taken, or are registered in, a specified HKUST course.

Do I need to take LANG 1401 / LANG 1402 – Intensive English Studies for University Studies / English Studies for University Studies?

Students who are not granted credit transfer will be required to take LANG 1401 / LANG 1402 in Year One and the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) before the commencement for the course. For details of the credit transfer criteria for LANG 1401 / LANG 1402, please access the Center for Language Education (CLE) website.

How do I get credit transfer?

Students may be granted transfer credits in recognition of studies completed prior to admission to HKUST. Details on the application procedures for credit transfers are given on the ARO website. A database listing the courses that have been approved for transfer credits can be found in the section entitled “Course Equivalence Database”.

What courses should I choose in pre-enrollment if I haven’t decided my major?

You may try for the engineering introductory courses and follow some general guidelines given in the e-Advising system based on your interests and qualifications.

When will I know the pre-enrollment results?

You may check for the results in the Student Information System (SIS) prior to 24-25 Aug 2023.

What can I do if I have passed the deadline for pre-enrollment? What if I could not get my preferred courses for pre-enrollment?

The courses in the pre-enrollment are mainly engineering fundamentals (with limited class quotas reserved by SENG). You may change for other courses during the class enrollment period (starting from 24-25 Aug 2023) and Add/Drop period (1-14 Sep 2023). However, you may need to seek additional approval to drop some of the pre-enrolled courses.

How do I enroll in courses?

Official course enrollment is completed online through the Student Information System (SIS). Registered students can access SIS via “MyPortal” at https://my.ust.hk. Details and instructions for completing this process can be found on the ARO website.

When and what time will the class enrollment start?

The Class Enrollment for UG Year 1 students will start on 24-25 Aug 2023. You may find your assigned time for enrollment in Student Information System (SIS) (on the right-hand column).

How can I find where the classrooms are?

Classrooms in the Academic Building are numbered according to the nearest lifts. Path Advisor is an online map for students to search the nearest lifts and the building floor plan. Lift Advisor App is also available.

What are enrichment programs?

SENG offers a number of enrichment programs like exchange, internships, and research opportunities. Details can be found on the SENG website under the “Academics” section.

Where can I get more information for my first year of study?

For additional information and enquiries, you may refer to the First Year Guide Book or contact our staff advisors.