About Houses

The School of Engineering adopts a house system for first-year advising, which is facilitated by the Peer Mentoring Program (PMP). Each house comprises a diverse mix of first-year engineering undergraduates, including local, mainland, and international students, and is aided by SENG faculty, staff advisors, and senior student mentors. Apart from delivering guidance and assistance through peer advisory sessions, the Peer Mentors also arrange a variety of activities in various areas of interest to enrich your first-year journey in the School.

You can indicate your preference of joining which House here.

You will receive an email in late August containing information about the house to which you belong.

The four houses that belong to SENG are: Blaze, Neptune, Sage, and Ravens.

Red House – Blaze

As the Red House, our hunger for innovating and creating blazes like a fire, we embrace the symbol of fire which connects strongly with our colors. We see reflections of us the engineers, in the powerful, fierce, driven, and passionate blaze. The Red House strongly believes in the spirit of collaboration and teamwork. The Red House is a community where engineers engage to create and innovate. It is not only a hub for the scholar but also for friendship, brotherhood, and sisterhood. Our connections create a strongly bonded community where each member feels safe, included, and happy. We help each other learn, grow, and flourish. We support each other when we face a challenge or feel stuck. The Red House values diversity of thought and background, recognizing that varied experiences contribute to richer innovation and problem-solving. The Red House promotes an inclusive culture where individuals of all identities feel respected and valued for their contributions. Recognizing and celebrating individual and collective achievements reinforces a culture of positivity, motivation, and mutual support within the community.

Blue House – Neptune

Welcome to Blue House, also known as Neptune! We aim to foster a spirit of adventure, discovery, and thrill for our mentees, so that you can connect with the wonders of university life, from the vast array of majors to choose from to the many friends you’ll meet from all over the world. We mentors will be here to assist you along the way, serving as guides to help you overcome challenges, find moments of rest, and maintain unwavering determination in the journey ahead.

Green House – Sage

Oasis of guidance, quenches the thirst of new engineering students seeking direction.

Grey House – Ravens

The group name "Ravens" for the Grey House represents a sense of wisdom, mentoring, and homeliness. Just like the raven, known for its intelligence and guidance, this group embodies these qualities. They provide a supportive and nurturing environment, where individuals can seek guidance and learn from one another. The Grey House named Raven is a place where wisdom is shared, and mentoring relationships are fostered, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that feels like home.